Equipped with:
World’s best Lasers for removal of unwanted hair, pigmented lesions, scar correction and facial rejuvenation:
Diode Laser for hair removal 
IPL with RF ( four heads ) for facial rejuvenation, vascular lesions, acne
  and pigmentation
Nd YAG Long Pulse for hair removal in dark skin types
Nd YAG Q Switched for tatooes, age spots and birth marks
Erbium Glass Fractional for deep scars and stretch marks
Erbium YAG Fractional for superficial scars
Excimer therapy for Vitiligo and Psoriasis.
NBUVB Chamber for Leucoderma.
Other Facilities
Non ablasive RF for skin tightening
Micro dermabrasion for smoother skin
Chemical peels
Dermarollers and Dermapen for scars
Special treatment for dark circles
Botox/Neuronox for wrinkles
Dermal fillers for sunken facial features
Mesotherapy for rejuvenation
Surgery of Leucoderma patches
Hair transplantation
Laser Therapy for Hair Growth
PRP and GFC therapy